Start Your Practice at Revolution Yoga

If you’re looking for the path of least resistance to adding yoga into your everyday life, look no further that Revolution Yoga. It all starts with their extremely welcoming culture – there is no judgment or expectation when you join one of their classes. They have a broad array of heated and non-heated classes to choose from, so it’s easy to find one that appeals to you, or one to switch up your routine with a different type of course.
The schedule might be the best thing about Revolution Yoga, as they have a variety of morning, afternoon, and evening time slots to fit into your already-busy schedule. A great way to get started is to try their $10 commUNITY class, or Seva Saturdays. The last Saturday of each month is stacked with classes that are all donation based, so you just have to pay what you’re comfortable with to attend. Learn more online, and be sure to check out their Tribe Leaders page to get information on their staff and find the instructor that matches your yoga goals.

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