Break a Sweat for a Great Cause at the Baltimore City Turkey Trot

Thanksgiving is all about spending time with friends and family, and why wait until lunch or dinner to do it? The Baltimore City Turkey Trot will get you up and out of bed bright and early on Thanksgiving morning, ready to sweat alongside your loved ones and other members of the community.
Sign up for the Turkey Trot online, grab your commemorative t-shirt, and head to the Weinberg Y in Waverly on Thanksgiving morning at 8 a.m. to walk or run the 5K course. But before you head over, consider dressing up in costume for the occasion. Many runners don turkey or chef’s costumes before the race, which puts them in the running to win prizes! As an added bonus, your registration fee goes back out into the community to help families in need gain access to YMCA programs. It also comes with your own complimentary YMCA membership, which is good until the end of the year.